Intellectual Curiosity Quiz

Rate your agreement with the following statements:


1.     I constantly ask questions.

2.     Asking questions makes me feel stupid or ignorant.

3.     I like to learn new things.

4.     I am fascinated by how everyday object work.

5.     Too much information at once is overwhelming to me.

6.     I have many hobbies.

7.     I get frustrated when I do not understand how something works.

8.     I find it hard to learn new things.

9.     I tend to ask people what their thoughts and feelings are about topics.

10.  I feel anxious when I have to ask someone a question.

11.  I am good at trivia games.

12.  I like that some questions can have many answers.

13.  When I am solve a problem, I usually know where to look to find an answer.

14.  I am constantly looking to experience new things.

15.  I am constantly seeking new information.


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