Matching algorithm:

Organization FIT

Basic Company Preferences

Company Preferences

About Our Company

10 answers. Each carries: (100/10) =10%.



Total Score:0-100% (Every company has its own TOTAL SCORE.)

Count Total Score for each company and show TOP 10.


18.I am looking to work in: SELECT LANGUAGE:  Speaking ENVIRONMENT

(Make this question: multiple answers. Candidate can select a few languages. )



Companies that meet requirement (office has language that candidate selected.): Add 10% to total score to every company.

Companies that DO NOT meet requirement: Remove them from result.

20.  Company type


 (Public Company (listed on stock exchange)),

 (Private (owned by 1 or more persons)),

 (Sole Proprietorship (owned by 1 person))

 (Does not matter)


Check from company information, what type of company is.

Companies that meet requirement: Add 10% to total score to every company.

If candidate chose (Does not matter): Add 10% to total score to every company.

Companies that DO NOT meet requirement: Add 0% to every total score.


(For example: candidate selected: (Public Company (listed on stock exchange)), add 10% to each company (Public Company (listed on stock exchange)).

Add 0% to all other companies.

21.  Choose the option which most closely describes the company you would like to work for

Company that is the leader in its industry


Company that is a follower in its industry (#2)


Company that is a gnormal/average company

(Does not matter)


Companies that meet requirement: Add 10% to total score to every company.

If candidate chose (Does not matter): Add 10% to total score to every company.

Companies that DO NOT meet requirement: Add 0% to every total score.


24.I want to work for company that is:

Micro Business (1-20 employees)

  Small Business (20-100 employees)

Medium (100-1000)

  Big (1000-10000)

 Large, established company (10,000+)

(Does not matter)

Check from company information, what type of company is.

Companies that meet requirement: Add 10% to total score to every company.

If candidate chose (Does not matter): Add 10% to total score to every company.

Companies that DO NOT meet requirement: Add 0% to every total score.


(For example: candidate selected: gMicro Businessh add 10% to each company gMicro Businessh.)

Add 0% to all other companies.

25.I would like to work for:   (Local Company, Regional Company, National Company, International Company, Global Company)

(Does not matter)

Check from company information, what type of company is.

Companies that meet requirement: Add 10% to total score to every company.

If candidate chose (Does not matter): Add 10% to total score to every company.

Companies that DO NOT meet requirement: Add 0% to every total score.


(For example: candidate selected: Local Company add 10% to each company Local Company.) Local company: headquarter is in our country.

Add 0% to all other companies.

26. I want to work for a company originating in:

From my country

 One of these countries: Image result for text input field (Add country)

Any country is fine.



Compare selection with company office that is a headquarter.

Companies that meet requirement: Add 10% to total score to every company.

If candidate chose (Any country is fine.): Add 10% to total score to every company.

Companies that DO NOT meet requirement: Add 0% to every total score.


(For example: candidate selected: gFrom my countryh add 10% to each company where headquarter is from country: gFrom my countryh

Add 0% to all other companies.

27. Let me be more specific

I want to work in in any of these sectorsImage result for text input field

I want to work in in any of these industriesImage result for text input field

Does not matter.



Companies that meet requirement: Add 10% to total score to every company.

If candidate chose (Does not matter.): Add 10% to total score to every company.

Companies that DO NOT meet requirement: Add 0% to every total score.


37.I want to work industry that has

Small rate of technological change (example:  Food industry)

Medium rate of technological change (example: Agriculture)

High rate of technological change (example: mobile phones, software)

(Does not matter)

Check from company information, what type of company is.

Companies that meet requirement: Add 10% to total score to every company.

If candidate chose (Does not matter): Add 10% to total score to every company.

Companies that DO NOT meet requirement: Add 0% to every total score.


(For example: candidate selected: gSmall rate of technological changeh add 10% to each company gSmall rate of technological change.h)

Add 0% to all other companies.

38.I want to work for:  (SELECT) FoodTech, HR Tech, EDTEchc.

(Does not matter)

Check from company information, what type of company is.

Companies that meet requirement: Add 10% to total score to every company.

If candidate chose (Does not matter): Add 10% to total score to every company.

Companies that DO NOT meet requirement: Add 0% to every total score.


(For example: candidate selected: gFoodTechh add 10% to each company gFoodTechh.)

Add 0% to all other companies.

43. I would not like to work in these companies: Image result for text input field write specific name.




Remove companies that meet criteria.

Go through all companies and remove from result, companies candidate wrote:

Add 10% to total score to every company that remained.   

Advanced Company Preferences (put all other questions in separate test: called: Advanced Company Preferences)






29.I am OK to work for any of my previous companies, (if branch is in same country I used to work.)

I am OK to work for only this of my previous company.

Select company: Image result for text input field Multiple Selection. In (Select Country) Image result for text input field 

(Does not matter)


 I am willing to work for one of my previous companies, but in a different country. (For Example, you once worked for Company X USA and you now consider working for Company X Japan.)

 I do not want to work for any of my previous companies, regardless of location.


Importance: This question is used by SMALL number of candidates.


Not yet.


32.Also, products or services I would like to work need to be

Same as I used to work on.

Similar to the ones that I used to work on.

Different from the ones that I used to work on.

(Does not matter)






1.      I want to work for company that is:

Entrepreneurial Venture (high growth firm)

  Small Business (small growth firm)

 Spin off.

  Large company that is Highly innovative (like Apple)

  Social Entrepreneurship Firm


Check from company information, what type of company is.






 I would like to have opportunity to work from home.

   It would be great, if I can work from home, 1-2 days per week.

 No need to work from home, I actually prefer office.





Employees can work from home whenever they want.

 Employees can occasionally work from home.

Employees do not have the option of working from home.






1.      My ideal company is:

10.  Our company is similar to (choose 1):

2.      I prefer company that has: gengineering cultureh (technical people are driving company), rather gsales culture.h


If answer is 4 or 5, then it is YES.


For the following questions, choose the option which MOST closely describes the company you work for.

1.      Our Corporate Culture has more of

An gengineering cultureh focused on gh

 A gsales cultureh focused on gh





2.      I would like to work for company that encourages Employees to Work on Side Projects.

If answer is 4 or 5, then it is YES.


3.      We encourage employees to work on side projects.

YES     NO


3.      In my company, I prefer to have

 Open work space

   Own Office/cubicle


3.In our company, we have:

An open work-space

Each employee has his or her own office or cubicle


4.      I prefer to wear:

Business suit

 Business casual cloth

Either business or casual is fine.


4.In our company we mainly wear:

Casual dress

Office attire




5.      Meetings should be short, like 10-30 minutes per day maximum.



Our meetings are generally short, usually less than 30 minutes per meeting.





Other Matches:

Link hobbies to result. For example, if somebody likes photography, then Getty Images would be good for him.